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The first Datsun passenger car rolled off the Yokohama factory in April 1935. At that time, Nissan switched to using only Japanese-made components and installed presses to produce body panels, thus putting an end to the manual processing of metal sheets. These changes immediately allowed Nissan and the Japanese automotive industry to take a step forward.


The birth of the new Renault-Nissan automotive industry alliance had a positive impact on the development of both companies. Soon after this event, thanks to the active work of the head of the corporation, Carlos Ghosn, the company got out of the crisis and began to gain momentum again. The Renault-Nissan Alliance already in 1999 produced more than 4 million cars (passenger cars). Since that time, the company has been developing new engines, for the first time launched the production of cars with automatic transmission "Extroid CVT" of a new generation, developed a test drive for cars produced. In recent years, Nissan has been developing steadily, entering the 21st century with a solid foundation and the latest proven technologies. Since 2010, Nissan has been developing and manufacturing electric vehicles.

Компания Jitsuyo Jidosha Co. Ltd., еще один предшественник Nissan, была основана в 1919 году в Осака и производила трехколесный автомобиль в стиле Gorham, дизайн которого был создан американским инженером Уильямом Горхам (William R. Gorham). Компания занималась импортом механических станков, комплектующих и материалов из США, и таким образом, была признана одним из самых современных автомобильных заводов. В 1926 году произошло слияние компаний Kwaishinsha Co. и Jitsuyo Jidosha Co. и была образована компания Dat Jidosha Seizo Co., которая в 1931 году стала подразделением Tobata Casting, ранее созданной г-ном Айкава.